Friday, December 10, 2010

by mynameisharsha

Question by Maureen:

What are all of the different parenting methods available?

I know we belabor the point here, sometimes...

But, whenever I read people replies from people in the neverending spanking/not spanking debate, it seems like there are some who think the only choices for teaching our children are:

Taking away toys/priveleges
1-2-3 Magic

That's it. Just straight pavlovian stimuli/response to train the children what to do and what not to do, until they're grown.

Just wanted to get a list of other parenting methods that people use, to let people know that there are other choices that involve actually teaching your child to make good decisions without the contrived stimuli/response reward/punishment system.

So, what are some of the other alternatives (besides, I guess, totally ignoring & neglecting your kids or abusing them). What are some parenting methods that you've used or seen working in real life, besides the above ones?
Along with using facets of attachment parenting ( ), we, for the most part, use the methods described in the book Parenting with Love and Logic ( ) which helps you guide your children to an understanding of how their choices affect themselves and others, using the natural consequences of their actions to help them really internalize the lesson and be able to apply it to other choices in their lives.

It's worked pretty well, so far, on our natural kids.

Didn't work too well on a niece who we fostered through her early teen years, but, as she had Reactive Attachment Disorder, I'm not sure what would have worked on her.
Oh, and we'll use 1-2-3 magic and timeouts from time to time. Life is hectic & sometimes you just need a quick solution.

When trying to create good habits, we'll go with a sticker chart.

And, like Biz, we've found that sometimes 'natural consequences' aren't obvious enough, so we'll creatively enhance them a bit if needed :D

Best answer:

Answer by nanook
Congrats, I guess that makes you a better parent than most of us. Thank you so much for teaching us. I hope I can reform in time to save my children from my parenting and to turn them into green party hippies. Go Nader

What do you think? Answer below!

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